Trying to Lose Weight Fast? A Low-Crab Diet Can Help.

Trying to Lose Weight Fast? A Low-Crab Diet Can Help.

The statistics are amazing: 65% of American adults are overweight, while 30% are frankly obese. Even 15% of children are obese. It is estimated that 8% of all adults are diabetic. In 20 years, when this group of diabetics is losing their eyesight, kidneys and lower limbs, our medical system will be truly overburdened. Life insurance companies have long used height and weight tables to predict longevity. Even being overweight a moderate amount will result in a 50 to 100% increase in risk of death from all causes. Thus, obesity in American is an enormous problem that needs to be addressed now.

Lose weight fast now ? Ask me how?

Everyone seems to agree on the problem: obesity. Few can agree on the solution. The medical profession is more divided on this issue than any other I can think of. Many, exemplified by the American Heart Association and the American

Diabetic Association, hold to the theory that counting calories, limiting portion sizes and fat, is the answer. We have been told this for the last thirty years, and America, to a great extent, has followed their advice. We all remember the low fat dishes at the restaurant and at the food market. Sadly, this advice has not worked. Low-crab diets can work.


A Low-Crab Diet Just Means Choosing Wisely

Thirty-four million Americans are now said to be on a low-carbohydrate eating program. Led by a few pioneers such as Robert Adkins, Robert Crayhon, Loren Cordain and others, millions of people have learned on their own that a low-carb diet works to lose weight fast. Many people have tried unsuccessfully to find a pill to help them lose weight. While there may be a few supplements that are beneficial, weight loss is more about choosing the right foods, and less about the right supplements.

Lose weight fast by eating low-carb diet, plus nutrition information and nutritional products recommended by a licensed physician and certified nutritionist.

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Balancing Healthy Eating and The Best Nutritional Supplements


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